Celebrating our Past and Solidifying Hope for Our Future

Our puzzle began to take shape in 1997 when our mission was launched by the Mortel Family Charitable Foundation.  20 years ago in 2001, we opened our first school Les Bons Samartains (LBS) with 65 kindergartners.  With the help of many generous supporters, we added to our puzzle 10 years ago in 2011 when College James M. Stine opened and again 5 years ago when our Preschool began accepting students for the 2015/16 school year. 

As we look back at how each piece of our puzzle has helped form who we are today, we look forward to adding our next piece: a technical education program for adults

Fundraser Goal Thermometer

We’ve hit our goal! Current totals of gifts and pledges = $101,000!

Because of you, we've hit our first GOAL!

Through the generosity of MANY, it’s only August and the goal of raising $100,000 to begin the process of introducing a technical education program for adults in our region of Haiti has been reached!


Alongside a previous grant we received for this purpose, your donations to the Anniversary fund will advance this critical program one step closer to reality.

There is much work ahead and additional funding needed before we can begin to teach adults life skills and trades that will feed and provide for their families. Please help with your continued support!

Support Hope for our Future

2021: Celebrating 3 School Anniversaries

20th Anniversry Puzzle Piece

2001 Ecole Les Bons Samaritains

Primary School

  • Opened to serve the poorest of the poor
  • Students are hand-selected from surrounding neighborhoods and enrollment is limited to one child per family to impact as many families as possible.
  • From 2001-2020: fed & educated 9,052 students
LBS Progress
10th Anniversry Puzzle Piece

2011 College James M. Stine

Secondary School

  • Constructed and opened from funds granted by the Stine Family Foundation which took notice of LBS’s reputation and success.
  • From 2011-2020: served 4,859 students
CJMS Progress
5th Anniversry Puzzle Piece

2015/16 Patricia Chairs Building


  • Launched in rented facility for three and four-year old children.
  • After realizing that students from LBS were academically behind, the preschool opened to give these children a head start and address the learning gap.
  • From 2015-2020: fed & educated 1,130 students
Preschool Progress
Puzzle Piece

Help Us Add Our Next Piece to the Puzzle

With your help, since 2001, we have fed and educated 15,041 students. As amazing as that is, our work in St. Marc is not done. As we celebrate our successes, help us solidify a technical education program and continue to support the efforts of our other three schools.

Donate Today

Looking for another way to support our mission? 

As we celebrate 3 school birthdays, give your friends and family a way to celebrate yours!

Create a Facebook Birthday Fundraiser
It’s simple to set up!  Here’s how:

  1. Make sure you have your birthday listed on Facebook
  2. Create the fundraiser a couple weeks before your birthday
  3. Navigate to the fundraiser page on your Facebook profile
  4. Search and select your nonprofit of choice – Mortel High Hopes for Haiti Foundation (facebook.com/fund/highhopesforhaiti/)
  5. Provide details:  Fundraising goal and date you want the fundraiser to end
  6. Select a cover photo –We’ve provided one here!
  7. Click CREATE
  8. Begin sharing! 

Happy Birthday and thank you for your support!