August 27, 2021
Our 2021 Puzzle is Completed – THANK YOU!
We started the year with 100 loose pieces to a puzzle that, put together, would commemorate the three school anniversaries. Each piece represented $1,000 toward a goal of raising $100,000 toward introducing a technical education program for adults in Haiti.
We’ve hit our goal! Current totals of gifts and pledges = $101,000!
Because of you, we’ve hit our first GOAL and completed our puzzle!
Through the generosity of MANY, it’s only August and the goal of raising $100,000 toward adult education in our region of Haiti has been reached!
Alongside a previous grant we received for this purpose, your donations to the Anniversary fund will advance this critical program one step closer to reality.
There is much work ahead and additional funding needed before we can begin to teach adults life skills and trades that will feed and provide for their families. Please help with your continued support!